The first facelift reportedly took place in Germany in 1916, and since then the surgical procedure has developed. It’s now a lot safer, a lot more regulated, and can no doubt achieve better results than those of 100 years ago. However, it is still surgery. It still involves anaesthesia, cutting the skin, and a lot… Continue reading >>
As we get closer to summer, we start taking extra care of our diet and exercise regime, to look our best on holidays and at social events. But when you feel unconfident about your skin, it can make you want to avoid being social, or taking pictures with loved ones. But you don’t have to… Continue reading >>
As we get older, we naturally lose elasticity in our skin. The sagginess that occurs as a consequence of this, ages our appearance, but the effects of saggy skin are more than just physical; they’re psychological too. If we look older, we feel older. Wouldn’t it be nice to turn back the clock, rejuvenate our… Continue reading >>