As we get older, we naturally lose elasticity in our skin. The sagginess that occurs as a consequence of this, ages our appearance, but the effects of saggy skin are more than just physical; they’re psychological too. If we look older, we feel older. Wouldn’t it be nice to turn back the clock, rejuvenate our… Continue reading >>
Hair removal in Brighton
You don’t have to be a naturally hairy person in order to be embarrassed about unsightly hair on your face or body. Your hair growth is affected by hormonal changes, so you might find that during certain periods of your life, your unsightly hair is thicker than ever. Before you start to panic however, let… Continue reading >>
What are designer lips and are they suitable for me?
It could be argued that the South East coast is very much a fashion capital in which to be seen, Britain’s answer to Capri if you like, so if you’ve not heard about designer lips in Brighton yet, your finger is clearly not on the chic pulse! You wouldn’t be seen without a handbag that… Continue reading >>
Will laser hair removal work on my skin type?
Laser hair removal in Brighton has never been so easy to achieve. There is no need to let the frustration of daily shaving, the plucking of awkward hairs and trying to fit emergency waxing appointments into your busy schedule bother you any more. Removing your hair with a beam of laser light will significantly reduce… Continue reading >>